STIR/SHAKEN Compliance: Ensuring Secure and Trusted Communications

Welcome to STIR/SHAKEN Compliance, where advanced technology meets streamlined compliance for secure and trusted communications. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate STIR/SHAKEN technology, ensuring the compliance of your numbers and keeping your communications secure and trusted. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, STIR/SHAKEN Compliance has you covered.


STIR/SHAKEN Integration

Seamlessly integrate STIR/SHAKEN technology, ensuring the compliance of your numbers.

Streamlined Process

Save time and effort with a streamlined integration process, ensuring that you can focus on your business.

Why Choose STIR/SHAKEN Compliance?


With STIR/SHAKEN Compliance, you can ensure the compliance of your numbers , keeping your communications secure and trusted.


Our platform offers a streamlined integration process, saving you time and effort.

Get Started with STIR/SHAKEN Compliance Today!

Ready to ensure secure and trusted communications with STIR/SHAKEN Compliance? Sign up for STIR/SHAKEN Compliance today and start managing your compliance with ease and efficiency.
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Haven’t found what you were looking for?
STIR/SHAKEN Compliance is a set of protocols and standards aimed at combating illegal robocalls and caller ID spoofing. STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited) and SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) work together to authenticate and verify caller identities for inbound and outbound calls.
STIR/SHAKEN Compliance helps businesses protect their reputation and build trust with customers by ensuring that their calls are authenticated and displayed with accurate caller ID information. It also helps mitigate the risk of being labeled as spam or scam callers.
STIR/SHAKEN Compliance works by digitally signing caller ID information using cryptographic certificates. When a call is initiated, the originating service provider (OSP) signs the caller ID information (assertion) with a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA). The receiving service provider (RSP) then verifies the signature using the CA's public key to ensure the authenticity of the caller ID.
STIR/SHAKEN Compliance can positively impact call delivery and acceptance rates by increasing the likelihood that calls are accurately labeled and recognized as legitimate by recipients and call-blocking services. It helps reduce the risk of calls being blocked or marked as potential spam or fraud.
To ensure STIR/SHAKEN Compliance, businesses should work with their telecommunications service providers to implement the necessary protocols and technologies. This may involve obtaining digital certificates, configuring their phone systems or communication platforms, and complying with regulatory requirements related to caller authentication.