WebRTC : Enable Real-Time Audio Through Web Browsers

Welcome to WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), where advanced technology meets seamless communication. Our platform is designed to enable real-time audio through web browsers, allowing users to initiate calls within applications using headsets. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, WebRTC has you covered.

Web RTC Features


Enable real-time audio through web browsers, allowing users to initiate calls within applications using headsets.


Initiate phone calls effortlessly by integrating clickable links or buttons, commonly used in web applications.

Automated Dialing

Experience the convenience of an automated phone number dialing system, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Predictive Dialing

Connect agents with live calls efficiently using a predictive dialing system that forecasts agent availability.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Efficiently manage lead communications throughout the entire sales cycle.

Call Tracking

Effortlessly oversee and analyze both incoming and outgoing phone calls to gain valuable insights.

SMS Tracking

Efficiently monitor and analyze data related to sent and received SMS messages for comprehensive communication analysis.

Conversion Tracking

Evaluate the success of converting leads into customers through comprehensive monitoring and analysis.

Feature-Rich Inbox

Access a comprehensive digital inbox to efficiently manage various communication channels.

Why Choose WebRTC?


With WebRTC, you can enable real-time audio through web browsers, ensuring that you provide a seamless and efficient experience for your audience.


Our platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and workflows, enabling you to leverage your existing contact data and communication channels.


Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, WebRTC can adapt to your unique needs and goals.


We take compliance seriously, ensuring that our platform adheres to all relevant regulations.

Get Started with WebRTC Today!

Ready to enable real-time audio through web browsers? Sign up for WebRTC today and start integrating real-time audio into your web applications with ease and efficiency.
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Haven’t found what you were looking for?
Web RTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology enabling real-time audio and video communication directly within web browsers. In call center environments, it facilitates seamless agent-customer interactions, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Web RTC allows call center agents to handle customer inquiries directly from their web browsers, eliminating the need for specialized software or hardware. This accessibility enables agents to work remotely or from multiple locations, increasing flexibility and operational agility.
Yes, Web RTC can be seamlessly integrated into existing call center software and workflows. By embedding Web RTC capabilities into CRM systems or agent desktop interfaces, call centers can enhance agent productivity and streamline customer interactions.
Web RTC enables agents to engage with customers in real-time audio and video conversations, fostering personalized and efficient interactions. Agents can quickly address customer inquiries, provide visual demonstrations or support, and resolve issues effectively, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
Web RTC prioritizes security and encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive customer data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. By employing encryption standards such as DTLS and SRTP, Web RTC secures audio and video transmissions, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of communication channels.
  • In call center environments, Web RTC supports various use cases, including:
    Video-enabled customer support for troubleshooting complex issues 
  • Co-browsing and screen sharing to guide customers through online processes
  • Remote training and coaching sessions for call center agents
  • Virtual meetings and team collaboration among distributed agent teams
  • Integration with chatbots and virtual assistants to escalate queries to human agents when necessary